Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Needed Perspective

Yesterday, I was  once again reminded of how we really need some perspective in our lives.

To say that there is a negative, adversarial attitude running through our culture is probably and understatement. With the presidential election coming later this year, it is really being magnified. Then you add in this drive for more; more stuff and more consumption...

Now, let's talk church. I never cease to be amazed at some of the things we complain about and argue about in churches. And, being honest, there can be some really close-minded, judgmental, entitlement attitudes from church-going Christians. Ok, that was pretty blunt. True, but blunt. And no church is immune. I was just shared a story from someone who had visited Church of the Resurrection on Easter weekend. Yes, I'm talking about that mega church in Leawood. It is a great church. But this person was approached by a member and told, "You're sitting in our seats." And we thought that only happened in small churches.

Now for that perspective I mentioned. Yesterday I spoke with a member of my congregation. She has been a member for many years and quite an interesting lady. She recently got some difficult news as doctors told her that they believed she had cancer. After all of the tests, she got her prognosis yesterday: 3 months. She has been told that she likely has 3 months to live. And they won't be good 3 months. She will be moving into nursing care. She wants to meet to plan her funeral. My heart sank. It's still sinking.

Of course, I continued to deal with "brush fires" and issues. The world keeps plowing forward. *Sigh* 

There is a great song from Tim McGraw called "Live Like You Were Dying." Isn't that what Jesus told us to do? When he was questioned about the end times, Jesus responded by telling us that know one knows the day or the hour. Instead, he calls us to live as if it could be any moment. Maybe 3 months. maybe not.

Funny how perspective can change things.

I'll close with this from someone I used  to work with. He had visited his brother-in-law who was on his death bed. I believe it was cancer as well. His brother-in-law requested a wet cloth for his lips. Then he said, “We start off wanting $1,000,000. Over time, that keeps getting pared down until all we want is a little water on our lips.” 



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