Thursday, March 31, 2011

Here We Go Again

Some time ago, I got the idea that it would be a good thing to start blogging. After all, it was the "in" thing to do. And, I am an "in" kind of guy. It's ok, I'll pause for laughter... It started out well enough, but I began to post less and less. Then came my move nearly a year ago and I was busy getting to know a new church. That meant 0 posts since last summer.

I've decided to start blogging again. This time it's not because I should or think it's the thing to do, but because I want to. I'm also not setting an agenda for what I might blog about; we'll just see how it goes. I'm looking forward to putting my thoughts out there and reading your comments, if you have any.



Kim in KCK said...

Yes, my blogging is also sporadic, at best. Blessings on the adventure!

Melanie in STL said...


I look forward to your REnewed blogging experience ... (Maybe today its opening day for bloggers too not just baseball season)