Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Real New Year

Today marks the 1st day of a brand new year. How can that be, considering that it is Aug 15? It's because today is the first day of school. While the calendar tells us the new year begins on Jan. 1, for most people our year revolves around the school year. I find this to be true even if you don't have kids. Your schedule will in some way be affected by school happenings. So, today (at least in my area) a new year has begun.

New years bring new possibilities. They also bring routine. It's amazing how much we complain about routine on one hand and yet find such comfort in it. I'm sure you can see a correlation to church in that. Trust me, it's there. Speaking of church, it used to be that back to school time meant back to church. Not so much anymore.Lately it seems as if the holidays are "back to church time." You know, Christmas to Easter is the "church season." I'm going to quietly step away from this one.

For the most part I pray God's blessings on all of the teachers and students as school begins. I pray that it is a wonderful year.

And, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!


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